google-site-verification=2KcqKxvxok7fshoi8COtMbFDgPmojtZwsdyX68H46J8 SpaceX, the hottest space company of the 21st century

SpaceX, the hottest space company of the 21st century

Why do many experts think so? 

Think about it: In 1936, the first computer was created. 55 years later, the Internet was made available to the public in 19. Computers built by IPM beat the guru. The best chess in the world in 2015, an AI named Alpha Go defeats a skilled

Best in the world too, nowadays we have AI that can drive itself, play games like dota, win the world's 1st team, draw, talk to you, all this happens 15 years later if we look at 50 years, 100 years, 1000. Next year, how good will computers be when compared to humans who have been around for more than a million years ago, fear that they will hurt them very high, regardless of whether they dealt with number 1, humans set a goal for it to be wrong until it hurts humans together 2 AI became self-aware and had a mind of its own and began to harm humans because it believed it could defeat the human

This is called stopping AI development is not the answer, so the only way to stop its dominance of the world is to join it, and this is the mission of the New Long Co-founded company, intending to create a device. That will connect the human brain to a separate motorized computer, allowing users to read and write information with their thoughts only, but in the future, you will be able to open Google, send messages, surf the Internet, send your imagination, just use your thoughts and when your brain. You can connect to a computer regardless of whether AI is not very

End #3: The sudden destruction of the world, whether from natural disasters such as massive volcanoes, global warming, or human-caused nuclear war, the only way to survive the apocalypse we have is. Not on Earth. Plants and animals on Earth are dead, but we will continue to live. That's why we set up the specification with the goal of make you received, which is to make human beings living on the planet. Others, going to Mars in good eyes today is not only going to 1 ship, only 5 6 people together, but they say that if it comes to traveling together for 1,000 baht with a population of thousands of people traveling, it's the opposite of going to explore. Yes, we want to build a city on Mars that has its own economy and its people have its own general

The specs will have to take the rocket a step further. One of the most important things is to allow one rocket to land over and over again, just like the planes we travel today. For most people, these might be. Will be very far away. I don't think so. If we are in a hurry, we have a chance to make life on another planet, but if we don't have the ultimate rush, this is a chanceWhat's more impressive than words is the action. Over the past 20 years, it wasn't just that every penny bag he had, but also spent every second of his effort and time on his goals and his moving company. Leaving the mansion, spending time with his family and living in a makeshift house near Jay Lek's factory, or perhaps even sleeping in the factory, that made him the richest man in the world today is all but paper stock in the company he holds. That he intends to use it only for his mission, he knows that the only variable of 20 amps with him is

Ask if the troll who rides the mountain keeps posting and joking with the government on Twitter. I have to say that despite the stress of working hard, don't forget to find some fun along the way. Unlike the government, Adam, the author of his favorite book, who always puts 7 color jokes into the story for Android, it's all about making fun of a celebrity that he feels he's been waiting and waiting for. Even though he doesn't sell the episodes on TV and sits around the campfire on the roof of theHis mission is to do whatever it takes to prevent our humanity from ending up on this planet, and the world-class team at his company has helped push the boundaries of technology to create new things the world has never seen. Before turning what the world thought impossible into something possible, the bankruptcy of the car and oil giant has become the world's most valuable automobile company today.

More importantly, Tesla has succeeded in waking up every automaker in the industry to make and focus on EVs straight from the TV, becoming the driving system of the future and taking over. Cars are faster than most analysts expected, in addition to reducing fuel consumption and the shift is to slow global warming, with Tesla electric cars emitting three times less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional cars throughout production and use.Producing enough batteries and solar panels to enter the new energy industry, a young company has succeeded in training the monkeys to play fake games using only the

 idea of   a monkey's brain being captured and read by the piece. A tiny implant embedded in its skull, although brain welding has ruled the fully digital world for a long time, the company hopes the device will benefit the physically handicapped within a year or two after students fired rockets. First, having to run out of company money, Spec has fought and evolved into the most advanced rocket company in the world today, they are now developing Yazashi, the largest and most powerful policeman ever. Built and most importantly, able to land and return to mount again within 1 hour only if successful, these rockets willThe cost of space travel has been reduced by a hundred and it makes building a new city on Mars a real must. It is expected to send the first humans to the planet by 2024. By 2050, plans to ship the total population are planned. All 1 million people to this red planet on the way to this goal to Ayutthaya.

 Spec will invest in the satellite transmission business to Earth orbit and the monkey business which will use tens of thousands of satellites of its own. The Internet has come down from the sky for the people of the world to use, although the road to success is still a long way to go for each Melon company, but it's hard to deny that today his company has changed the world. Being an Iron Man in the real world is the ultimate inventor of this generation forHis The Walking Company is as symbolic of hope as the S on Superman's chest, it is the hope that future generations will live better and go beyond where we are today

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