google-site-verification=2KcqKxvxok7fshoi8COtMbFDgPmojtZwsdyX68H46J8 "Facebook Horizon" a new dimension of communication.

"Facebook Horizon" a new dimension of communication.


"Facebook Horizon" a new dimension of communication.
New dolls take themselves in and sit next to friends, even if they are far away from each other. Bored of the real world? Like having to accidentally compare yourself to the good life on IG in Facebook. Why don't we do something like this, each time I want to stop playing Facebook. Would it be better if we

 could create our virtual world? By himself and then invite friends together in real life, then fall into the world like ours for as long as you want, this is Facebook's vision and the product that he is about to launch. Let us really use it in 2020. Facebook Facebook is a new form of Social Network that is normal or play on social networks, right? You have to use your mobile phone to use your computer to log in and talk to your friends through the screen. Broken orizol, they use

bis, when we put on VR glasses, we can instantly slip into the virtual world. We can talk with friends to the fullest. Not just chatting and doing activities together, whether watching the same movie, watching sporting events. One year, let's play games together or even interact, build a virtual city, whatever is in it. Just arrived. This is not a story, is it? We already know that Facebook previously acquired the business. VR glasses company Lity. At that time, we may not even imagine that he would use the VR

 glasses to build on what to do with his from Social Network. Since 2016, Facebook started to show. This vision that he wants to use VR glasses to bring us closer together, not just through the screen, but the virtual body interacting near each other, he believes that these things will make our relationship stronger. More and more so I don't have to do anything. Just wear VR glasses. I'm interested and excited because it's a one time interaction and a lot of fussing with

It must be good, but before this, it's just interesting because there may be many obstacles, including headsets and VR devices that are still expensive and difficult to access. It's not convenient to go anywhere. Should go to, although it's difficult and it's a matter of the internal platform itself, that the development model may not be available in VR because of course, few VR buyers should develop

 games or develop things that are used in the middle of this as well, but Recently, this is really big news. At Connect Zip, Boek, he has announced his vision. Personal matters. It's not that this story is really possible. It's free in 2020, because it's hidden. It will come for sure. I'll tell you how he can do it, but one more point to learn is that he launched, which was previously launched for 1 round, he said that it would have a device-style packing sensor in hand. Various, right? This one doesn't have to. Just wear 
glasses and our hands will get wet. What can I do wrong? Catch

Ask him, I have acquired Control, which is a company that uses a dildo. Interface is that the model wears a brand and will detect heart rate, which will convert brain waves to read. Our thoughts can then be used to control things like a simulation of New Link, which has just been told by Elon Musk previously about Brain waves It's very much that with this one, it will be easier to use because they call it for only 399 dollars. It is considered quite cheap. Here, let's delve into whether Facebook hides or what is the new world that Facebook is. Want to create to become another world, 10 simulated countries where we can build anything as we want and he doesn't have interaction with people. How do you come to work? I see that we can create a little more life simulation in a virtual world that I want to run

You can create your own avatar, but the cool thing is that this time, if we can really fall into that world just by wearing VR glasses and having our friends in the real world. Come in and do this and that with us and you can choose the setting of the scene all by yourself. Another thing hidden in the name will make it a lot better because every Facebook user can create a model city.

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