google-site-verification=2KcqKxvxok7fshoi8COtMbFDgPmojtZwsdyX68H46J8 Department of Agricultural Extension Shows Outstanding Results Using Technology to Develop Sustainable Self-Reliant Careers

Department of Agricultural Extension Shows Outstanding Results Using Technology to Develop Sustainable Self-Reliant Careers

Department of Agricultural Extension Shows Outstanding Results Using Technology to Develop Sustainable Self-Reliant Careers

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The Department of Agricultural Extension brings journalists to the area to see the progress of the large-scale land improvement project in Srah Borei province, showing the results of crops and fisheries. Large companies use new technologies for career development towards strong and sustainable self-confidence.

Khem Kheng Thom Rainsy, Director General of the Department of Agricultural Extension, said that due to the epidemic of Kovid-19, which affects the country's economic and social situation, it is necessary to focus on Promote domestic economic activity. In order to sustain the economy and stimulate the local economy, mainly in fiscal year 2021, the Department of Agriculture is the main unit in implementing the project to upgrade large plots of land with modern agriculture and market linkages. Along with the other five product owners, the Department of Rice, the Department of Livestock Development, the Department of Fisheries, the Rubber Authority of Thailand. And the Mulberry Department, with a focus on promoting productivity in modern agriculture, smart agriculture, precision agriculture with appropriate technology and innovation applied. And establish management cooperation that connects across the supply chain

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