google-site-verification=2KcqKxvxok7fshoi8COtMbFDgPmojtZwsdyX68H46J8 Ghana's dancing pallbearers - BBC Africa

Ghana's dancing pallbearers - BBC Africa

In 2017 this troupe of Ghanaian pallbearers went viral following BBC Africa's coverage of their flamboyant coffin-carrying dances, garnering millions of views.

Three years later and the group has experienced a second round of internet fame, with social media users adopting the troupe as a dark-humoured symbol of death in the time of Covid-19.

BBC Africa's Sulley Lansah met up with the leader of the troupe to get his reaction to his new-found fame, and to see how he's coping during the pandemic.

Pallbearers are lifting the mood at funerals in Ghana with flamboyant coffin-carrying dances. Families are increasingly paying for their services to send their loved ones off in style.

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